What do we learn from the Chinese? - R R Padmanabhan, Director - Exim Academy

 What do we learn from the Chinese?

Ever wondered how China has become such a major power in economy, sports or in diplomacy in a matter of roughly 2 to 3 decades. This question always used to bother me a lot. A country which was equal or less than in India till 1978 leap frogged in to world stage. In the process lifting out 50% of its population from poverty and subsistence living. The only country that can be compared with India is China, no body else in terms population and concomitant problems. 

Yes, the differentiating factor is democracy in India and dictatorship in China. But that also does not explain their economic miracle! If democracy is the factor, both India and US are democracies, where are we?

The distinguishing factor is the work culture of the Chinese people. I attended Canton fair in 2011. The sheer size of the fair is mindboggling. As one stands in queue to enter you can hear voice as 'name cad, name cad'. Actually it is visiting card, that they were saying in loud voice. I asked him what he would do. He said he would have my visiting cards printed in an hour's time both in English and in Chinese. Can you expect that kind of work culture here in India, leave alone in an exhibition, under normal circumstances ?

Then their energy levels are amazing. You greet them in the morning, they are cheerful, understandable that it is the first hours of working day. Then after a while just before lunch, you enter a stall, you can expect the same level of greetings from them. Again in the closing hours, you get to meet, you don't see weariness of the day on their faces. Anazhing energy levels arising out of their work culture.

This is the one big lesson I got from the Chinese!

R R Padmanabhan,

Director - Exim Academy


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