National Doctors Day 2021 - R R Padmanabhan, Director - Exim Academy

National Doctors Day 2021

Image Source : Google Image

Today, the 1st July is celebrated as National Doctors Day. They are the most deserving to be regarded, worshipped, adored and what not given the pandemic times that we have scrapped through recently. They have been in the front line in saving lives; there are some Doctors who lost their lives in their duty. Many stories unfold slowly how Doctors worked days together without a wink; there are cases where they are woken up from their cat sleep to attend to emergency calls. Our logistics industry joined hands with medical fraternity to bring medical care to the needy.
On this day, I place my sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr Raja Amarnath for his relentless efforts in saving lives. He is ushering revolution in critical care of patients all over the country. Heading the organization CIPACA, he joins hands with Nursing homes and hospitals in tier 2, tier 3 cities and remote areas to provide critical care at affordable rates. Currently he and his team of medical fraternity are managing more than 300 ICU beds across various states of India.
I was one of the beneficiary of their Home Care for Corona and provided medical care by his wife Dr Jaya Prashanthi. 

Quality Care and Conscious Rates are their deliverables!

R R Padmanabhan,

Director - Exim Academy


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