Trade Receivable Discount System (TReDS) - R R Padmanabhan, Director - Exim Academy
Trade Receivable Discount System (TReDS) Cash is the lifeblood of any business. However, profitable the company is, unless the cash cycle is regular, the operations of the company gets hit. The cash burden is acute for MSME units. It is jocularly said that unit size and cash burden is in inverse proportion always. Big units have the wherewithal to reach out to sources to tap money. Besides, they employ skilled finance professionals to manage their cash flows. But MSME does not have such luxury. The normal sources of funds of MSME are: Internal generation Bank borrowings Savings of the proprietor Loans from friends and relatives Chit funds Many times, when all the above sources are exhausted, the entrepreneur has nowhere to go to meet his fixed expenses. The expenses have time lines to be met, whereas the accruals do not. In spite of the MSME Act that prescribes a fixed time limit for payment of outstanding by the big units in case of their procurement from MSME, s