
National Doctors Day 2021 - R R Padmanabhan, Director - Exim Academy

National Doctors Day 2021 Image Source : Google Image Today, the 1st July is celebrated as National Doctors Day. They are the most deserving to be regarded, worshipped, adored and what not given the pandemic times that we have scrapped through recently. They have been in the front line in saving lives; there are some Doctors who lost their lives in their duty. Many stories unfold slowly how Doctors worked days together without a wink; there are cases where they are woken up from their cat sleep to attend to emergency calls. Our logistics industry joined hands with medical fraternity to bring medical care to the needy. On this day, I place my sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr Raja Amarnath for his relentless efforts in saving lives. He is ushering revolution in critical care of patients all over the country. Heading the organization CIPACA, he joins hands with Nursing homes and hospitals in tier 2, tier 3 cities and remote areas to provide critical care at affordable rates. Currentl

Aluminum Import Monitoring System (US) - R R Padmanabhan, Director - Exim Academy

 Aluminum Import Monitoring System (US) Exporters of Aluminium products to US have to comply with new requirement of US government from today (28th June 2021). The export invoice with necessary particulars have to be sent in time to enable custom broker or the importer to file in the Aluminium Import Monitoring System (AIMS) of the department of International Trade Administration.  The details needed to be filed are: 1. Names importer, Exporter and Manufacturer  2. Country of Export and origin 3.Qty in kgs and value 4.Date of Export, Expected date of entry in US, Port of Entry This filing is required for aluminum and aluminum products falling under the following HS  codes: 7601 7604 7605 7606 7607 7608 7609 995160 995170 R R Padmanabhan, Director - Exim Academy

Should I go abroad to pursue further studies in Logistics? - R R Padmanabhan, Director - Exim Academy

 Should I go abroad to pursue further studies in Logistics? Source : Google Images This is an oft-repeated question that I keep getting from many youngsters and some times from their parents too!  There are many universities and Institutes around the world offering such courses both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.  Starting from neighborhood Singapore, Malaysia to Europe, US, Australia and Canada, Universities and Business schools in these places offer these courses.  The courses are quite expensive starting from Rs.30 lakhs at low end to high as Rs.60 to 70 lakhs at high end.   A student from our Exim Academy reached out to me and asked me my opinion whether to go in for higher studies in Logistics in Canada or not.  I patiently listened to him and asked him his family background.  He is a B Tech Engineer 2018 batch and currently working in Software Company.  With his waning interest in software, he wanted to switch career.  That is how, he chose to study diploma in logist

International Yoga Day - R R Padmanabhan, Director - Exim Academy

 International Yoga Day Today 21st June is the International Yoga Day. Two of the greatest gifts that the Indian civilization offered to humanity are Yoga and Dhyana (meditation). And they are free, can be practiced by anyone irrespective of caste, creed or color. Many of the successful personalities be it in politics, sports, profession and business vouch their leaping to Dhyana. Unlike other physical exercises, yoga works both on physical and mental levels. In yoga, you have to follow your breath through inhale and exhale cycle at every pose. When you observe inhale and exhale you automatically regulate your mind.  In Dhyana, you suggest a thought for yourself, a thought that is higher than yourself. Your present state in profession or life is the combined product of your thoughts, words and deeds. Your environment influences your thoughts. While you may not be able to change your environment, certainly you can regulate your thought.  How can you do? It is by Dhyana only. Dhyana is

Bill of Lading - R R Padmanabhan, Director - Exim Academy

Bill of Lading Image Source: There are 3 documents that are defined as mandatory in terms of Para 2.06 of Foreign Trade Policy issued by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India.  The said para is reproduced below:   2.06 Mandatory documents for export/import of goods from/into India: (a) Mandatory documents required for export of goods from India: 1.     Bill of Lading / Airway Bill/ Lorry Receipt/ Railway Receipt/Postal Receipt 2.     Commercial Invoice cum Packing List* 3.     Shipping Bill/Bill of Export/ Postal Bill of Export (b) Mandatory documents required for import of goods into India 1.     Bill of Lading /Airway Bill/Lorry Receipt/ Railway Receipt/Postal Receipt in form CN-22 or CN 23 as the case may be. 2.     Commercial Invoice cum Packing List* 3.     Bill of Entry In both export and import, Bill of Lading is common.  Of all the export and import documents, Bill of lading is the only legal document.  It is the Document of title conveying the own

Can Gold be brought in to India - R R Padmanabhan, Director - Exim Academy

Can Gold be brought in to India Gold is in intertwined in the culture of Indians or for that all south Asians.  Perhaps, if an inventory is possible, the amount of gold in all forms including ornaments in the hands of all Indians, we may perhaps be richest nation in the world in terms of Gold holding.  Such is the importance of gold in our culture that it is one of pride asset that is given to the daughter of the family at the time of her marriage!   But time and again, one would have seen news in print and electronic media that one or two passengers from abroad have been arrested and gold had been seized from them.  Then, what is the permissible limit of gold and gold ornaments that can be brought in to India legally?  This blog examines the issue in detail.   A. Import of Gold ornaments by Indians returning from Abroad Without payment of duty   Yes, if you are an Indian and been abroad for more than 1 year and returning to India, you can bring gold ornaments duty free. If you a

Import of Covid treatment Drugs for personal use - R R Padmanabhan, Director - Exim Academy

Import of Covid treatment Drugs for personal use We are passing through perhaps the worst phase of human history. Fortunately, what was not available to the human kind in the earlier era namely communication and transportation are available to us now. In this blog, I explore the procedural formalities to be gone through if one has to source medicines needed to Covid 19 treatment customs duty free for individual use. The Government of India issued two notifications namely 27 and 28 of 2021 putting out the medicines and equipments required for Covid treatment. The notifications are general in nature meaning the importers could be both individuals as well as enterprises. What are these medicines? The following is the list:  Notification No. 27 Notification No 28 Since one is importing drugs, procedure relating to Drugs import also has to be observed in terms of Drugs and Cosmetics Act. This is different from customs clearance procedure. If you are an individual importing the drugs or yo